Youth Ministry

The Youth Ministry at The Crossing recognizes students to be one of our greatest resources and they are not the church of the future they are the church of today.  We have an excellent team of dedicated, well-trained workers who pray for them regularly and who teach them at their level of comprehension.

Our Youth Ministry offers Sunday school for middle school students 6th grade through the 8th grade and for high school students 9th grade through 12th grade on Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m.  Come join us on Wednesday evenings for The Summit every Wednesday night from 6:30pm until 8:00pm.  

In addition to weekly activities, we engage our students
every year in the month of February during out DNOW (Disciple Now)weekend which is a weekend when we carve out time to encourage our students to take a stand for Christ and we involve them in mission projects and bible studies and worship time.  We also take part in some great summer activities.  We attend several camps during the summer.  We attend Super Summer Camp which is offered through The Baptist General Convention which is a week-long student leadership camp that focuses on building student leaders through intense bible study, worship and discipleship training.  We also attend Mt. Lebanon Student at the Mount Camp which is a Dallas Baptist Association Encampment in Cedar Hill, Texas every summer in July.  We involve our students in hands on mission projects throughout the year as well as planning several destination unknown activities for relaxation and fun.   

Come join us we would love to meet you and get to know you and to establish some long lasting spiritual relationships with not only students but also their parents.